Tahra Liquid Clay Soap / Tahra Soap Soil (Samak Soap) is a product to make the process of performing Sertu / Samak more accessible. Proven to kill 99.9% bacteria in faeces of Mughallazah (heavy impurities) Uses of Tahra Soap : -
Wash hand - Wash dirt on clothes - As a bath - Washing plate - Washing the floor and porch of the house - Vacation abroad Sertu method according to sharia : 1. Start with BISMILLAH 2. Remove mughallazah feces and clean the affected area 3. Apply clay soap mixed with a little water evenly to the affected area 4. Rinse with absolute water 6 times 5. Wipe with a dry towel 7. End the sermon with the words of ALHAMDULILLAH We welcome any concerns regarding tanning /sertu performances.